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Upwell Academy PE Curriculum Intent

Miss Payne is the central point of reference for the PE Curriculum at Upwell Academy.

Please click on the link below to download a copy of our Physical Education (PE) Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact document. Our Class Teachers teach our PE curriculum with the specialist support from West Norfolk Sports Partnership PE specialists. 

Children are required to come to school in full PE kit for their PE days. These will be shared at the start of the new half term by class teachers.

Our KS2 Children from Year 4 to 6 will swim every academic Year. Every year, year 6 Swim in Autumn 1. Year 5 in Autumn 2 and Year 4 in Spring 1. Children are required to come to school in PE kit for their swim days and to bring their swim kits with them. This should include a costume or swim shorts, a swim hat and a towel. 

Empower, Motivate, Aspire and Transform | Eastern Multi Academy Trust