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Weekly Update 10.02.23

Weekly Update 10th February 2023

Year R   

I cannot believe we are now half way through the school year, it really doesn’t seem possible. The children have really enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London and this week we looked at the houses and streets in London at the time and then created some descriptive writing. In maths we have been looking at ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’ as well as continuing to create and continue repeating patterns. We used pipe cleaners to try to make some 2D shapes. In art we have continued to create our replicas of Hundertwasser and in PE we completed our gymnastic unit using the wall bars. I think you will agree that they really have enjoyed this half term’s topic and the knowledge they have gained has just been brilliant. Our next topic is Australia. Now time for a much deserved and needed rest. Keep up the reading! Have a lovely weekend and happy half term! 


Year 1  

We’ve had a lovely week to finish this half term! 

We loved our trip to the park on Tuesday and have really enjoyed planning and writing our diary entries! In Maths we have been learning about the relationship between addition and subtraction. We have also been solving word problems and even had a go at writing our own. In Geography we looked at England and the different landscapes and learned what a coastline is. In Science we looked at dangerous weather and discussed why weather forecasts are important. We are thoroughly looking forward to starting new topics after the break. 

I hope you all have a wonderful half term and look forward to seeing everyone back soon! 


Year 2 

It really does not seem possible that it is half term already! 

We have had a busy week in Year 2 and we are all definitely ready for the half term break. We have been learning about and money in our maths lessons this week, totalling different coins to make a set amount.  

In English we have written a report of our exciting day on Friday, celebrating maths day in school. We especially enjoyed writing about how funny Mrs Fisher was in the assembly.  

In science we have looked at the different parts of the skeletal system and then begun to discuss the digestive system and we will continue this after half term.  

In PSHE we have continued to discuss the different ways that we can be organised and how important it is to take care of our things in school and out – this is one of our Academy Values.  

We have also had Safer Internet Day on Tuesday this week where we gave advice to people that found themselves in a variety of different scenarios online and created a poster with reminders of how we can stay safe.  

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and a happy half term week. 


Year 3 

It doesn’t seem possible that it is half term already. We have had a busy week and we are all definitely ready for the half term break. We have been learning about and calculating perimeter in our maths lessons this week. In English we have written the Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus. In science we have looked at the different parts of the digestive system. We also completed the final session of our Healthy Body, Healthy Mind workshop. We found out about The Great Wall of China in geography. In history we found out about Alexander the Great and we also looked at some well-known philosophers from Ancient Greece. In art we have produced a still life of fruit using pastels. We have continued to think about ways that we can be organised in PSHE. We have also had safer internet day this week where we gave advice to people that found themselves in a variety of different scenarios online. 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and a happy half term week. 


Year 4 

This week we have been very busy continuing our learning. We tested materials in Science to see if they were conductors of electricity. We found that metals do conduct electricity but paper, plastic and wood do not. These materials are called insulators. In PE we learnt a new dance. We have really enjoyed our dance lessons with Mrs Bull. We are looking forward to going swimming next half term. In English we have been continuing to think about the characters in The Night Bus Hero and why they behave in the way they do. In maths we have been extending our knowledge of division. We have found this area of learning a bit of a struggle but Miss Radford is very impressed with our resilience.  

We are looking forward to the half term holiday because we all need a rest after working so hard since we came back in the new year. 


Year 5 

This week we have been writing and editing our newspaper reports on the Battle of Trafalgar. We have been working hard to incorporate a range of journalistic phrases into our writing, along with high-level, formal vocabulary. In maths, we continued to practice using long multiplication and short division, drawing on our times tables knowledge! In science, we learned about David Attenborough and Jane Goodall, and the impact that they have had, bringing our unit to a close. In history, we have learned about the causes of the French Revolution and the role key people played, such as King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and Napoleon Bonaparte. This has then linked nicely to our work in English on the Battle of Trafalgar. 

It has also been a busy week as we have had a large number of children completing a bikeability course. The instructors had lots of positive comments to pass on and were super impressed with the children! Well done! 

When we return to school after the holidays, we will be completing our Year 5 assessments. These assessments will include arithmetic, maths reasoning, reading comprehension, spelling, punctuation and grammar. Children will have come home today with a revision booklet as part of their homework for half term and the first week back in order to practice key skills. I would like children to be working through as much as they can as part of their preparation for these assessments.  


Homework expectations for half term (Due Friday 24th February) 

- Minimum of 6 readings to be recorded in reading records 

- Revision booklet (work through as much as possible) 


Have a lovely half term break! 


Year 6 

Wow, what a bust half term it has been, I cannot believe we have reached the holidays already. The children have all work exceptionally hard this half term and shown real commitment to their learning. Well done Year 6!  

In English this week, we have started revising newspaper reports and learning about the ‘Night of the Broken Glass’ ready to write our newspaper reports after half term. In History, we have learnt about the key events that led to WW2, the rise of Adolf Hitler and how life was controlled in Germany. The children have shown great respect and have asked some really thoughtful questions during these lessons. I know they have been discussing these further with you at home too. In Maths, we have finished our unit on algebra, learning how to solve one-step and two-step equations, write expression and apply these to problem solving and reasoning questions. In PSHE, we have finished our unit on resilience. We have also had Safer Internet Day; were we look at the impact influencers can have upon our choices and had a brilliant class discussion on vote on their role in our online safety.  


I hope you all have a lovely half term holiday. Thank you for your continued support.