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Weekly Update 13.05.22

Weekly Update 13th May 2022

Year R   

We have had a really exciting week down in Teddy Class. We have been sowing seeds in our maths garden, we have had to count them out and write labels so we know where we have planted each item. In maths we have been learning about ‘Odd Todd’ (odd numbers) and ‘Even Steven’ (even numbers) and looking at number patterns. Jack and the beanstalk has been the focus of our English lessons this week, we have thought about the story from the giant’s point of view and realised maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. Today we have written ‘wanted posters’ and they have been quite amazing. Have a lovely weekend everyone! 


Year 1  

Another week has flown by! This week in Maths we have started looking at fractions. We have been exploring half of a shape and a whole shape. We have also explored finding half of a quantity. In English this week we chose our new story setting and have created our own story map which describes a setting and a character. We have been busy with lots of science this week. On Monday we looked at what plants need to grow. We then planted cress seeds and have kept them in different conditions to see if they grow. We have made a prediction and will check the findings next week. We were also able to plant our own vegetable seeds and plug plants in our Maths Garden. We are crossing our fingers that they grow successfully! 


Year 2 

Well done Year 2 for showing Resilience and Enjoyment this week! Our grammar and spelling skills are really improving and we are working more independently to find the answers we need, using resources and technology to support us! In English we have worked really hard to speed up our reading while making sure we fully understand what we have read. In maths we have fine-tuned our written methods of calculation. We have also worked on finding different fractions of shape.  

In Science we have explored four different habitats – The rainforest, desert, ocean, and woodland and briefly discussed the environmental issues which make it difficult for some animals to survive. This has included plastic pollution and deforestation.  

In PE we have been focusing on our running, jumping and throwing skills through lots of games and activities. 

In PSHE we have continued with our focus of Initiative. This week we look at how we might need to use initiative when faced with a challenge that might entail some trial and error. 

We have started out SAT Challenges and I have been exceptionally proud of everyone's grown-up attitude and focus so far. We will continue this next week.  

I apologise for any confusion but Year 2 PE is now on a Monday, please come in PE kit. Next week, the children also have a special Quidditch session planned so please wear school PE kit on Thursday too. I will put a reminder on our Story closer to the time. 

Have a fabulous weekend in the sun!  


Year 3 

We have been busy getting our fractions unit of work finished this week in maths. The children have been practising comparing ad ordering fractions and they have also been adding and subtracting fractions that have the same denominator. In English we have been exploring how James must feel at the beginning of the story of James and the Giant Peach, when he is sent to live with his awful aunts. We have been working on the life cycle of a butterfly in science. We looked in more detail at why Henry VIII reformed the church in our history. We have begun to learn the capital cities of the countries in Western Europe in geography. We continued to look at good communication skills in PSHE. We listened to a piece of music called the Carnival of the Animals and identified our favourite parts within the music. The children explained why they liked particular parts and came up with some excellent responses to this. And of course we have been busy all week practising for today's class assembly. We hope to see you later if you are able to make it and then we can show you some more of what we have been learning in class. 


Year 4 

This week has been fun and due to the lovely weather (except for yesterday!), we have been really lucky to get outside for some of our lessons. 
In English we have looked at different genres of fiction and our focus has been on SC-FI. We have used drama to improve our original ideas and look forward to writing our stories soon. 
In Maths we continue to use our bus stop division. This is tricky but we are using our resilience to rise to the challenge. We have also looked at data and how this can be shown in bar charts - we must remember to look at our axis so that we can plot the lines carefully! 
We have learnt about Space in Science and it has been fun to look at all of our planets, including Earth, which moves around the sun to give us day and night. 
The highlight of our week was trying different foods in Geography. We tried bread, cheese and olives (as well as other foods) to experience a taste of the Mediterranean! 
By Bea and Chanay 


Year 5 

Year 5 have had a busy week writing and editing their play scripts for a scene from Romeo and Juliet. We have been revising the use of commas and have had a lovely lesson today starting our new topic, which involved writing descriptions of our pets (or pets that we would love to have one day). Miss Riches absolutely loved received all of the adorable photos throughout the week! In Maths, we have been calculating missing angles on a straight line as well as around a point. Next week we are going on to look at properties of shapes. In History, we have started learning about the causes of the French Revolution, particularly why the people were so unhappy. We are excited to find out more next week! Harry, our PE teacher, has been teaching us how to play cricket and we had our first full game this week!  


Year 6 


SATs Week has shown what a resilient and hardworking class we are. All of the staff that helped this week, were really impressed with your effort and attitude. Today, we have enjoyed our games session and PE – as well as a special surprise from the staff for being so ‘FAB’! We have also had some more delicious treats from Alexa and Olivia, thank you! They were lovely! We still have lots of important work to do this year but this sets us up in a fantastic way for the coming weeks.  

Next week, the children have a special Quidditch session planned so please wear school PE Kits on Thursday AND Friday next week.  

Have a lovely weekend everyone – you deserve it! Thank you all for your continued support.