This year we will continue to celebrate 100% attendance at the end of each term and children can earn a bronze certificate at the end of term 1, silver at the end of term 2 and gold award and 100% badges and certificates at the end of the school year. Children who earn the gold badge will automatically join Miss Ellington's 100% attendance team. Every week we celebrate the class with the best attendance in Key Stage 1 (including Reception) and Key Stage 2. The winner each week gets a certificate, awarded in assembly, which can be proudly displayed in their classroom. A huge congratulations to our children that were presented with their badges this week!
In line with Government guidelines, we have an attendance initiative called Every Day Counts, in order to heighten awareness of the importance of attending school each day and to improve school attendance in all of our schools. Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves. Start building this habit in Reception so they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important.
Research has shown that there is a strong link between levels of attendance at school and levels of achievement. Students with high levels of attendance tend to gain better results in tests and examinations than students with lower attendance levels. Children with good attendance are more than twice as likely to pass their English and Maths GCSEs compared to those who are persistently absent. If your child is healthy, they should be in school.
Please see the DfE guidance for parents: