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weekly Update 10/06/22

Weekly Update 10th June 2022

Year R   

What a wonderful first week back. Our final half term together. We have been using ‘The Rainbow Fish’ as our text in English. We have been writing speech bubbles thinking about what the characters would say to each other. We have also been thinking about what makes a good friend and this has linked well to our PHSE; where we had to give compliments to one of our friends. We also talked about what makes a good friend. In maths we have been securing our number sense and subtracting numbers. (We found this a bit tricky.) In art we have been creating movement in our seascapes. In PE we started a new unit all about Pirates to match with our new topic of ‘The Sea’. Our new sounds in phonics this week were ‘o_e’ - phone home, and ‘u_e’ - huge brute. In Geography we looked at the continents and the 7 seas! Well done, Teddies! 

 Year 1  

We have had a busy first week back! We completed our Phonics Screening Assessment this week and were able to play lots of different phonics games with our friends. We started a new Science topic: Taking Care of the Earth. This week we looked at some things that humans do that can damage the Earth. We found that trees are chopped down to make paper, litter dropped in water can affect animals and that different vehicles let off fumes that might not be good to breathe in. We then had a think about things we can do to help the Earth. Some of us thought it would be a good idea to go on a litter pick and have been spotting any litter on the field at lunchtimes. We enjoyed learning a new song in Music this week: The Bear Went Over the Mountain. We used glockenspiels to improvise our own rhythms and melodies too. In Art this week we learned that architecture is the design of buildings, we thought the architecture of St Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and The Houses of Parliament were particularly interesting, so chose one to draw into our Art books. 

New spellings for next week will be set today. They will be on Dojo and I have put a list in reading diaries as well. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone! 


Year 2 

We have worked hard in maths this week securing our knowledge of how to tell the time. We specifically focused on O'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We have continued to work on developing our poetry skills in our English lessons this week. We hope we will be able to share our final poems with you all. In Music we have moved on to listening and appraising Reggae style music. There is a new song to learn – so apologies for the ‘ear-worm’! In PSHE, our initiative focus has been continued with the class thinking about how volunteering demonstrates initiative. New spellings will go home today, for next week, so please support your children in learning these new words. They are stuck into the children’s reading diaries. 

The children wowed Mr Perkins while I have not been in school, especially on Thursday when they proved to him how hardworking and resilient, they are – all making it into Team Ace! In Science we found out about different lifecycles of various species of animals and plants. We made foldable booklets to bring home and share too.  

Have a lovely weekend everyone! 

Year 3 

We have continued to work hard in maths this week on telling the time. We need to move onto another topic next week but this is an area that some children could still do with some more practise on. Thank you to those of you have already realised the importance of this and have already been doing this at home with the children, it is noticeable the difference that this is making. We have continued to work on building up our own ideas for an adventure story in our English lessons this week. In PSHE we have talked about the difference between surprises and secrets. We talked about what children can do and who they can talk to if they feel upset, worried or scared by anything and recapped what they understand by ‘a trusted adult’. In Geography we found out about some of the key landmarks, places and foods in France. In history we began to look at Tudor exploration. We also went on our Tudor trip to Burghley house. We had a fantastic day. The children were wowed by the size of the house and the land around it. We found out what life would have been like in the house during the Tudor period. The children were particularly impressed by the kitchen. We also found out about the types of foods that the Tudors ate. They were a little bit appalled by some of them, especially the idea of turtle soup! Then we had the opportunity to meet Henry VIII and hear all about his life, building on the information that we already knew. The children were brilliantly behaved and engaged throughout the whole day, which made it a thoroughly enjoyable experience for everyone involved.  

Year 4 

What a busy first week we have had! 
In Maths, we have been learning about co-ordinates...we need to remember that we look at the x axis first! 
We have been using our imagination a lot in English. We have been asked to write creative updates of The Three Little Pigs, is the wolf really a bad guy? We will let you know. 
The Great Fire of London spread really quickly, and after it had settled we needed to have new rules to stop this from happening again - we learnt this in History. 
We learnt how to throw a Javelin safely in PE, before competing for points in the final half! 
We are excited to start our new Art topic this afternoon. 
By Thomas H and Richo 

Year 5 

Year 5 have had a busy first week back! We have started reading ‘Oh, Freedom!’ in English which is a book about a young slave named Tommy. A stranger had arrived on the plantation and offered to guide Tommy and his family to freedom using the 'Underground Railroad'. The group have just set off on the dangerous journey and we are intrigued to see what challenges they must overcome. Alongside this, we have written some great predictions, summaries and setting descriptions. In Maths, we completed some revision on solving word problems and have now completed our final two assessments! In history, we learned some more about Napoleon Bonaparte and the impact of the Battle of Trafalgar. We also started a programming unit in computing this week which will involve the use of Scratch! 


Year 6 

Welcome back everyone, we hope you have had a lovely half term break. The children have got off to a great first week of their final term of Year 6. In Maths this week, we are working on a bakery project, all of our maths revolves around a real-life context. We have been looking at scaling up recipes, costs of ingredients, profit and loss and packaging requirements. Next week, we get to make the delicious cupcakes by problem solving, following recipes and measurements! 🍥 

In English, we have concluded Kensuke’s Kingdom, the children have written fantastic informal letters, innovated their own events, make a justified decision as to whether to stay on the island or leave and written their own fantastic alternative endings. I was proud to take a sample of the children’s writing yesterday to Norfolk Moderation, the children have worked so hard! ⛵🖊 

In Science, we have started our final science topic, Classification of Living Things. The children all became taxonomists yesterday completing classification trees. We have also learnt about the correct terms for gender and sexuality in our RSHE lesson. The children have shown a good understanding of the different terms and how they are used appropriately and what could happen if they are used inappropriately. 👍 

We have also started our Entrepreneur projects, if you haven’t heard about them already! The children are very excited and are already busy planning, shopping and making promotional materials. I will keep you up-to-date as the project unfolds. 😀 

Please can we have a big push on our key skills at home, the children need to be reading at home at least 3 times a week, practicing their spellings and their times tables. Please provide evidence of this on Dojo or via the reading record. 📖📝🔢 

Have a lovely weekend everyone. 👋