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Weekly Update 12/11/21

Weekly Update 12th November 2021

Year R 

What an exciting week this week we have had. It started on Monday with the launch of our new theme ‘Super People’, and who should turn up to help us but Outwell Fire Crew and appliance Number 3. They showed us all around the appliance and explained what the equipment was for. We all got to sit in a seat of the vehicle and then we even got to squirt water. They even made Mrs Fisher dress up in full kit! In maths we have been looking at making numbers and in English we have been looking at picture books that tells the story of the ‘Remembrance’ including ‘Where the poppies grow now’ and ‘Stubby’. In science we learnt about food chains and in art and design we have made pictures and collages of poppies – including purple ones.  

Year 1  

Another busy week in Year 1. In English we have looked at the features of a ‘Conquer the Monster tale’. We know that they have an opening, problem, resolution and ending. We were then able to find these parts in our story, George and the Dragon. In Maths we are still focussing on subtraction and have been using number lines to help us solve different problems. We created a rain gauge in Science to measure the rain and plotted our results on a graph. 

Year 2 

We’ve had so much success in maths this week and we have started our new unit on money today. Please use any opportunity to practise this when out shopping. In English, as you know we are writing traditional tales and had a zoom call from the Big Bad Wolf. We’ve made delicious cookies for grandma and used nets to make wicker baskets. We are working hard to rewrite the story of Little Red Riding Hood and we have been using effective vocabulary to engage the reader. Something or someone has left coded messages for us and this has been helping us to practise our alien words in phonics… I wonder could it be the alien that landed before half term? In History, we have created Egyptian cartouches and we attempted to make papyrus paper.  
 A very busy but exciting week, have a lovely weekend everyone. 

Year 3 

What a fantastic week we have had in Year 3 this week! We have begun a new unit of maths where we have started to look at multiplication and division. Keep practising those times tables at home Year 3 so that you get even better at knowing them and keep a look out for the times table challenges on Sumdog. In English we have begun to look at non-chronological reports and have been finding out some more information linked to our work about the Ancient Greeks in history. We have started our new topic about rivers in geography by finding out about different parts of a river. In French we have been learning colours and the names of various items of classroom equipment. We have continued our work about e-safety by thinking about what personal information is and who it is okay to share this information with and who we should not reveal our details to. So, as you can see it has been yet another busy week! 

Year 4 

We have been very busy this week learning about the consequences of the Civil War in England. In the end Charles I was beheaded for treason. Next week we will be learning what it was like during the Commonwealth. In English we have been using the features of playscripts to write our own plays. In maths we have been using our knowledge to multiple multiples of 10 and 2 digit numbers. We have all improved our 8x tables – but we still need to learn them to be even quicker! We looked at our skeletons in Science and found out what some of the major bones were called. We also learned about Hindu Gods. We found this very interesting and asked a lot of questions.  

We took part in a live zoom session with Jacqueline Wilson today. She had a great tip about writing a little every day if you want to be an author.  

Year 5 

Year 5 have been extremely busy this week! We have been writing backstories for characters from Robin Hood, such as the Sheriff of Nottingham and Sir Guy of Gisborne. We worked hard dropping in clues as to why our characters then ended up becoming so terrible. We are very excited for our virtual lesson with Jeff Kinney (author of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid) next Friday too! 

In Maths, we have been learning about square and cube numbers, as well as refreshing our memory on multiples and factors. Next week we will have a look at prime numbers! 

In History, we began learning about the history of Islam and how it became a world religion, spreading throughout the different countries. 

Thursday afternoon was quite exciting as we had our first 'Young Leaders' session with Joe. We learned all about the 'participant' and everyone had a turn in leading a small group game. There were plenty of challenges along the way but we all remained resilient and continued to respect or classmates! 

Year 6 

I cannot believe it is Friday, this week has flown by. In maths, we have started our new unit on fractions. So far so good, keep up the positivity and resilience year 6. In English, we finished our letters home from the trenches. In RE, we have finished our Christianity unit looking at the Christian beliefs of life after death and heaven.  

Today, we had a live virtual talk from the one and only JACQUELINE WILSON!! She spoke to us about what inspired her to be a writer, her newest book ‘The Primrose Railway Children’ and gave us her writing top tips and answer children's questions that have been sent in. 

Next week, we will be having a live virtual talk from JEFF KINNEY, the author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. I have asked the children to get thinking over the weekend of a question they would like to ask him and I will email our questions in on Monday. 

A very busy but exciting week, have a lovely weekend everyone.