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Weekly Update 29/04/22

Weekly Update 29th April 2022

Year R   

What a busy week, we have been learning all about the life cycle of a human and the correct names of the different stages in our lives, we also looked at the Christian Baptism Ceremony. In maths we have been making teen numbers and understanding these numbers. In English we have story mapped Rosie’s walk and we have refreshed our memories of predators and prey in order to write our own version of the story. We used magnifying glasses in art to really look at the shape and texture of some Lily flowers before drawing them. Another very busy week. 


Year 1  

Well, we have had a busy first full week back! In English we have learned a story map based on the story ‘The Stone Age Boy’. This includes a setting and character description. We have been thinking about why we would use description in our writing. We now know it is to make it more interesting and give the reader more detail. In Maths we have been exploring multiplication by making and adding equal groups using our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have also been creating arrays to represent multiplication. We started our new Science topic this week ‘Growing and Growing’ and discussed and labelled the different parts of a plant. In History we learned about the Ice Age this week. We found out that Britain was covered in glaciers which meant that no humans could live there, but woolly mammoths were able to because they had lots of fur to keep them warm!  

Please keep reading at home and practising your spellings. 

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend and I look forward to our trip to Houghton Hall on Wednesday! 


Year 2  

Our first full week back after Easter has been extremely busy. We have been measuring in maths, in centimetres and metres. In English we have been focusing on our reading comprehension to ensure we can retrieve accurate information from a text. In History we have discovered the benefits of the Viking Longships and we have begun to design and build our own. In PSHE this week we have been learning about what ‘discussion’ is and how we join in discussion without interrupting – a valuable lesson learnt.  In music we have had the opportunity to listen and appraise a piece of rock music – Deep Purple’s ‘Smoke on the Water’ identifying the various instruments used. We then continued to learn our song ‘We wanna play in a band’ and had a try at using tuned instruments alongside our singing. 

Mr Perkins thoroughly enjoyed teaching the class in my absence this week and I was extremely proud to hear and see the great work on my return today. As you are aware we are going to be going on our Tip to Houghton Hall on Wednesday next week. Please make sure you have completed the permission form and sent in your £6.50 payment. I am extremely excited about the trip and launching our Science topic on Living Things.  
In the meantime I hope that you all have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. 


Year 3 

Our first full week back after Easter has been very busy. We have been finding fractions of amounts in maths. In English we have been writing some of our own insect poems based on poems that we have read. In science we have been thinking about different insects and how they can be helpful or harmful to humans. In PSHE this week we talked about what first aid is and how to deal with different situations that we might find ourselves in, including how to administer basic first aid and we recapped when and how we would call the emergency services. In Geography we took a look at where the countries were located that make up Western Europe. In history we found out more about Henry VIII and why he had so many wives. We also started to learn a song about The Tudors in music this week. 
As you are aware in a couple of weeks time it is our class assembly. I have sent home some words for your child to learn and I would be grateful if you could help them to learn them. They also have a copy of the song words to practise so that they can also learn these ready for the assembly. We are really looking forward to welcoming you back into school in person and to showing you some of what we have been learning. 
In the meantime I hope that you all have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. 


Year 4  

We’ve been very busy since coming back to school after Easter. We have returned to learning about decimals in maths – how to make whole numbers, compare and order them. In English we have been writing odes to pizza. An ode has to have strong images and be very over the top. We have exaggerated our love of pizza very well. In science we have been learning about the Big Bang Theory on how the universe began. We also learnt about the planets in our solar system. We had a whole morning of PE this week. We played cricket with Harry who is teaching us. In computing we were looking at how we can change photos and why we might do this. We are getting better at out times tables – but still need to practice them to make sure we are speedy!  

(by Billy-Joe and Thomas W) 


Year 5 

This week, Year 5 have been learning about the structure of play scripts and have even had a chance to act out some of the scenes from Romeo and Juliet, thinking about the way in which we use our voice and body language to help the audience understand the complex and unusual language used by William Shakespeare. Using the story of Romeo and Juliet, we have also been learning about relative clauses and relative pronouns as we are trying to increase our confidence when using the correct grammatical terminology. Next week we will start to look at planning to write our own play scripts! In Maths, we have been revising the four operations and have worked really hard on making sure our workings are always clear and well presented to avoid tripping ourselves up! In History, we have been writing diary entries from the P.O.V of a colonist on board one of the ships in the Boston harbour during the Boston Tea Party. In science, we have started our new topic of electricity and have been learning about the different symbols used when drawing electrical circuits. 

Please continue to read regularly and keep up the practice of spellings and times tables. Don’t forget to upload your evidence to Dojo! 

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend! 


Year 6 

We have certainly started this term of with the same dedication and concentration that we ended last term with. The children are now doing their final revision sessions in the lead up to SATs. Don’t forget these are the w/c 9th May – there is lots more information about them in the yellow revision folders that I sent home over Easter.  

This week, we have also started our new 3D Modelling unit in Computing, continue to learn about the British Empire in History, built on our knowledge of Leadership styles and attributes in PSHE and this afternoon we have PE. 

Yesterday, we went to the Fire Station in King’s Lynn for our Crucial Crew trip. The focus of this trip was for the children to learn how to keep themselves safe in a variety of real-life situations. We had sessions from; Cadent Gas, The Mathew Project, Children’s and Young People’s Health Services, Road Safety, St. John’s Ambulance, Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service, RNLI, Norfolk Constabulary and the East Anglian Air Ambulance.  

Please continue to focus on those key skills at home; times tables, spelling, reading etc. Don’t forget to upload evidence to Dojo for me to see.  

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend everyone.