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Weekly Update 11/03/22

Weekly Update 11th March 2022

Year R   

G’day mates, we have been using ‘A diary of a wombat’ in our English lessons, we have created our own diaries and lists and a care sheet of how to look after a pet wombat. We also had Mothball the wombat come and stay with us. It was very exciting. In maths we have been learning about capacity and using language like full, empty and half full. In art we have created scientific drawings of Australian animals, making more than one draft so we had to use our Raj Resilience. We also used water colours to paint some daffodils. In PE we went on the trim trail and big gym outside and in geography we started to learn about the seas and oceans of the world. Our red words for next week are no, go, you and said. Have a lovely weekend! 


Year 1  

We have enjoyed lots of learning this week. In English we are continuing to look at the features of non-chronological reports so that we can prepare to write our own. This week we looked at different punctuation and when we would use a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. We know in our non-chronological reports we could use an exclamation mark when writing an amazing fact! In Maths we have started a new unit and have been comparing and measuring length and height. We are having to think carefully to make sure we use the Year 1 vocabulary of longer, taller and shorter. We measured different objects with cubes this week. We are focussing on our handwriting in Year 1 at the moment and beginning to look at different ways to join our letters. We are all showing great resilience as this is something that can be tricky, but we know to keep practising and not give up. 


Year 2 

Another great week in Richard Long Class, well done everyone. In English, we have been continuing or Grammar focus. We have reinforced our understanding and use of word classes – adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs.  

In Maths, we have been finished off our challenge papers today, practising our calculation strategies and moving on to reasoning. Again, the children have realised how important it is to know their times tables! Our PSHE continues to look at Communication and that we need to remember that we have two ears and one mouth – so we need to listen more and talk less! Spellings and handwriting are continuing to show progress, please keep practising them at home. 

Please keep learning your key skills at home.  Please also take the time to read every day and learn your weekly spellings. 

Next week, we are going to be enjoying Science Week and we have lots of exciting growing activities planned! 

Have a great weekend everyone! 


Year 3 

How is it Friday again already? We have been working so hard that the week has flown by! In English we have been reading, following and analysing different sets of instructions. We have had fun making slime, origami bookmarks, spinning pictures and this afternoon will be playing some new games. We have finished our measurement unit in maths by measuring and calculating perimeters, which we have been really good at. On Wednesday afternoon we completed the first of three workshops with The Norfolk School Sports Partnership about health and wellbeing. We will complete the next two sessions in the following two weeks. We have linked this to our work in PSHE where we were thinking about healthy routines this week. In history we found out about King John and why he was a bad king. We have read and retold the Japanese folk tale The Tongue-Cut Sparrow. In art we have found out about Picasso and looked at his painting of Mother and Child. In computing we looked at how we can create an animation with characters and a background ready for having a go at producing our own short film next week. 


Year 4 

We’ve had another busy week in Year 4. In maths we have been dividing numbers 2digit and 1 digit numbers by 100. This makes hundredths and we have to be careful we use the correct word – 1 hundredth is very different to 1 hundred. In English we have been learning how adverts persuade us – using bright colours, effective words and bold writing. We have been learning how sound travels through air, water and wood in science. We are planning our own podcasts on a wide range of subjects – from dogs to Lego. Swimming continues to be fun and we are all improving. We have been predicting what will happen in Ganster Granny Strikes Again and who the Black Cat is. 


Year 5 

This week, Year 5 have been busy comparing, ordering and rounding decimals. We have also looked into converting decimals to fractions and vice versa. We were pleased to take a little break from fractions for a few days! In English, we have been writing short descriptions of scenes, adding in as much tension and atmosphere as possible. We have also practiced using onomatopoeia in our writing as well as varying our sentence structures. We are hoping to combine these features when we write our own suspense stories next week! Some incredible suspense story ideas have already been shared when planning today! In Science, we have been learning about the layers of the Earth. We have continued out work on Mountains in Geography, specifically looking at the Himalayas this week. We had fun researching our own interesting facts about Mount Everest! 


Year 6 

Another great week in Year 6, well done everyone. In English, we have been continuing our GPS revision themed all around Harry Potter. We have learnt about modal verbs, relative clauses, worked on our comprehension skills and giving reasons for our views and opinions. In Maths, we have been finished off our measurement topic by learning about area and perimeter. Again, the children have realised how important it is to know their times tables! In Science we have continued our human reproduction unit. In Geography, we learnt about the climate of North America, turns out it can vary...alot! In French, we have started our new unit called Le Weekend and finally in PSHE we were learning about food habits and how they can affect our mood and energy levels.  

Please keep learning your key skills at home, I have set up a maths task and spelling task on Sumdog, please complete these before next Friday. Please also take the time to read at least 3 times at home and learn your weekly spellings. 

Just a reminder that next week is assessment week, so full attendance is vital, these are a great way for the children to show off everything  

Have a great weekend everyone!