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Science Day - Stem in the Fens Workshop

Ever wondered what it was like for Tim Peake? How do you get into space, and what is it like to live and work there?
This week classes celebrated National Science Day.

We welcomed the Team from Stem in the Fens, who presented their very special workshop for our pupils and staff, all were thrilled and filled with awe and wonder! We learnt how physics got us into space and back home again and experienced some of the dangers of going into space with a special vacuum chamber and blowtorch – pupils found out how we used science to overcome these challenges, and some had a ride on a hover board!

Stem in the Fens run workshops in across the local area including in March and Wisbech, for parents and children to attend. Take a look at their website and we look forward to inviting them back to the Academy again in the near future.