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Lynnsport School Games

This week, children from years 1 and 2 have enjoyed an engaging morning at Lynnsport as part of the Active Kids program.  The children participated in a range of activities which encouraged team building and participation. 

All of the children thoroughly enjoyed their morning, and showed exemplary behaviour, and fantastic sportsmanship as demonstrated our TEAM ACE at every opportunity. A special shout out to Micheal, in year 1, whose can-do attitude and sunny disposition warmed us all on a chilly January morning!  3 KS1 Festivals throughout the school year, at each festival staff will be given brief CPD and resources to enable them to replicate and extend the activities which fall into three categories – Target, Creative and Adventurous. The CPD will explain not only why the children are completing the activities but how to extend each activity further once back at school. A huge thank you to Mrs Wilkin and Miss Stacey for supervising the children. They were extremely proud of them and all children received a certificate in this week’s Celebration Assembly.